Tag «literature»

Economic perspectives in sustainable last-mile logistics: a systematic literature review

In recent years, cities worldwide have grappled with last-mile logistics’ impact, particularly its contribution to urban traffic congestion and pollution. These dynamics have had significant environmental consequences, including noise, road safety concerns, and air pollution. As a result, both public and private sectors must adopt innovative solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of last-mile logistics …

A review of last-mile literature

Globalization, urbanization, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic have raised the demand for logistic activities. This change is affecting the entire supply chain, especially the last-mile step. This step is considered the most expensive and ineffective part of the supply chain and a source of negative economic, environmental, and social externalities. A publication by Portuguese researchers …

Last-mile logistics research: a systematic review of literature

Coincident with the rapid growth of omnichannel retailing, growing urbanization, changing consumer behavior, and increasing focus on sustainability, academic interest in the area of last mile logistics has significantly increased. The influx of research spans multiple disciplines and various methodologies, underlining the complexity and fragmentation of last-mile logistics research, which leads to a lack of …