Category «Food for thoughts»

McKinsey: how batteries will drive the zero-emission truck transition

According to McKinsey, battery electric vehicle technology will be key to reducing road freight emissions and achieving global climate targets. The McKinsey analysis emphasizes the need to reduce CO2 emissions from road freight vehicles, significantly contributing to global emissions. The best way to achieve this is by transitioning from combustion engines powered by fossil fuels …

Why focus on more mobility, not on less mobility

After attending the European Conference on Sustainable Cities in Aalborg (DK), I am puzzled. Many presentations were about sustainable mobility. How can people get on a bike, in public transport, and out of their cars? But there were no presentations about taming the growing mobility monster. Some of our mobility is necessary for work or study, but …

The 2024 Paris Games, sustainable innovation accelerators for city logistics

Paris 2024 Games: 754 competitions and ceremonies, 41 Olympic sites, and 20 Paralympic venues in Paris, involving 10,500 athletes, over 10 million spectators, and 45,000 accredited journalists. Goods: 900,000 pieces of sports equipment, 1.3 million other items, 170,000 pallets, 60,000 luggage, and 14,000 last-mile trips. These figures underscore the immense complexity of organizing such a …

UNCTAD: e-commerce should become more environmentally sustainable

On July 10, UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) launched The Digital Economy Report 2024, highlighting the global digital sector’s significant environmental impact and the disproportionate burden developed by developing countries. The report underscores that while digitalization fuels global economic growth and presents unique opportunities for developing nations, its environmental consequences are becoming increasingly severe. Due …

McKinsey: How do we start decarbonization in logistics?

Logistics emissions from freight and warehousing contribute to at least 7% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Addressing these emissions is essential for any company aiming for net zero as part of a comprehensive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy. McKinsey reports about it. Market for green logistics The focus on green logistics will translate into …

What should a CPO know about decarbonizing road transport

In the discussion about the energy transition towards zero-emission transportation, the transportation procurement officer at shippers has been missing so far. This should not be the case. Transportation procurement should make a thorough assessment based on knowledge and facts. Smarter procurement is necessary for decarbonizing road transport in collaboration with logistics partners. More and more …

Light Electric Freight Vehicles: beyond the hype

The advancements in city logistics are fostering a rise in smaller, time-sensitive deliveries. Over the past decade, the parcel market has expanded, driven by emerging business models like ship-from-store (B2C and B2B) and quick commerce. Additionally, companies are increasingly emphasizing sustainability. To tackle the challenges of quicker delivery demands, clean transportation (low/zero-emission), and limited space …