Tag «mit»

MIT: e-commerce leads to lower emissions

With e-commerce setting records during the 2020 holiday season and package deliveries forecast to grow by 80% over the next decade, a new study by the MIT Real Estate Innovation Lab reveals the tangible environmental benefits of online shopping versus bricks-and-mortar.

Research: horizontal collaboration in delivery of e-groceries

Digital technology advancement has been changing grocery retailing customers’ behavior and expectations. Enabled by digital technologies and pleased by the digital disruptors, customers are expecting convenient online shopping and fast delivery. To retain their loyalty, retailers are forced to provide better services through digital transformation. 

MIT: e-commerce spurs innovation in last-mile logistics

We are seeing a growing body of research into last-mile logistics for delivery of products in cities. The growing congestion of cities and the explosion in e-commerce home delivery have challenged traditional last-mile logistics strategies that have focused on point-of-sale delivery. “In the city, shipments are typically much smaller and more fragmented than in regional transport,” …

Research: how can we use revenu management in last-mile delivery?

New opportunities arise to design profitable last-mile delivery strategies. In particular, companies can influence customer behavior by choosing the lead-times or time-slots that are offered (capacity controls) and as well as their associated fees (pricing controls). These decisions ultimately seek to balance the capacity utilization and increase the profitability of the delivery operation.