Tag «walking»

Why focus on more mobility, not on less mobility

After attending the European Conference on Sustainable Cities in Aalborg (DK), I am puzzled. Many presentations were about sustainable mobility. How can people get on a bike, in public transport, and out of their cars? But there were no presentations about taming the growing mobility monster. Some of our mobility is necessary for work or study, but …

WAlking and PArking Dynamics of Drivers: analysis and model development for sustainable urban delivery

A new project addresses the critical but often overlooked aspects of delivery drivers’ walking and parking behaviors in urban logistics: WAlking and PArking Dynamics of Drivers (WAPADD). With 80% of a delivery driver’s time spent outside the vehicle during the last leg of delivery, comprehending these dynamics becomes pivotal for sustainable urban delivery routes. The …

Multi-criteria assessment framework for the potential of cargo bike operations

Making deliveries in crowded urban areas can be challenging for commercial vehicles, producing additional negative externalities. In recent years, cargo cycles, including bicycles and tricycles, either man-powered or electric-powered, have been considered a promising alternative for making last-leg delivery. Although cargo cycles have various benefits, the operations are still limited by the nature of the …

Does parking matter? The impact of parking time on last-mile delivery optimization

Parking is necessary for traditional last-mile delivery practices, but finding parking can be difficult. Yet, the routing literature largely does not account for the need to find parking. In a new paper, the researchers address this challenge of finding parking through the Capacitated Delivery Problem with Parking (CDPP). Unlike other models in the literature, the …

Train and bike: a marriage made in heaven. But don’t forget walking first!

The Guardian reports about the underwater bike garage that should solve Amsterdam Central Station’s bike parking headache by offering space for 7.000 bicycles. The city of Amsterdam facilitates underwater bike parking to return the public space to pedestrians (residents, visitors, commuters). According to the Guardian, the garage results from a 4-year and €60 million project to clear …