Comparing letter prices in Europe

For the 22nd time, Deutsche Post (DP) has published a study comparing current letter prices in Europe. The study reviews the 27 member states of the European Union, Great Britain, and the EFTA countries of Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland.

Recognizing that a purely nominal approach does not go far enough, DP has also included criteria allowing a meaningful and objective comparison of letter prices. They include macroeconomic factors and the changing inflation rates in the countries under review.

Prices for domestic and European letters have increased significantly in most countries under review since the last study. On average, the domestic letter postage rate increased by eight euro cents, and the price for a cross-border letter within Europe by € 0.16. A domestic letter costs an average of € 1.33. The average across Europe increased by almost 90 % over the past ten years. Only three countries are posting a better than inflation-adjusted performance.

The consolidated result, in which the prices are adjusted for labor costs and purchasing power,
reveals that Malta letter prices are the cheapest in Europe. On the other hand, posting a letter in Denmark is the most expensive.

Source: Deutsche Post, 2023

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