Research: possibilities for cargo trams in city logistics

Trams are usually used to carry passengers, but across Europe, there are some examples of using them for carrying freight (‘CarGoTram’ of Dresden, Germany and the ‘Cargo-Tram’ of Zurich, Switzerland). There are specific conditions that provide a possibility of using trams for cargo delivery in urban areas. They concern infrastructural, economic, and organizational issues.

The main purpose of a new publication by Oliwia Pietrzak and Krystian Pietrzak is to identify the conditions and determine the possibilities of implementing a cargo tram in urban areas in Poland. This publication shows that in individual urban transportation systems there are factors that facilitate or inhibit the implementation of cargo trams in UFT, and implementation of a concrete solution should be adjusted to the local conditions so that the tram transport system is not disturbed in providing its basic function, i.e. serving the public passenger traffic.

Oliwia Pietrzak, Krystian Pietrzak, Cargo tram in freight handling in urban areas in Poland, Sustainable Cities and Society,
Volume 70, 2021, 102902, ISSN 2210-6707,

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