Tag «logistics»

What are the opportunities of e-waste for Dutch logistics companies?

The Netherlands, with a less than 50% collection rate, does not meet European standards for e-waste; there is too little waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) returned by consumers and businesses. Besides better collection and processing of e-waste, reducing use by limiting consumption, extending product lifespan, reuse, and repair is essential for a circular …

Net zero in 2050: how will transport companies survive?

The logistics sector must be net zero by 2050. But all measures proposed will create an uneven playing field with selective access to logistics capabilities, people, money, data, and energy. So how will transport companies survive? I was asked to lecture on sustainability for a group of CEOs from European transport companies. I hyperventilated. What …

Book: Transitioning to a circular economy

We are living on a finite planet. Mankind is overstepping planetary boundaries, however. In 2021, worldwide consumption exceeded the yearly bio-capacity of the Earth (what we call the overshoot day) on the 29th of July. The situation is far worse for industrialized countries: In 2022, Belgium reached that overshoot day on the 26th of March. …

Freight-efficient land uses: methodology, strategies, and tools

Land-use planning and policymaking are central to how communities manage their economic activity and the social and environmental impacts these activities produce. Because of this central role, enhancing land-use practices better to incorporate the needs and impacts of freight activity has a strong potential to improve the efficiency of their associated supply chains. A research …

Can smart mobility hubs be a game changer if you ignore their city logistics role?

There is a new report out by Urban Europe on smart mobility hubs as game changer in transport. The report provides valuable guidelines for integrating mobility hubs in the urban space. A mobility hub is a physical location where shared mobility options are offered at permanent, dedicated, and visible locations and where public or collective …

A shortage of logistics real estate in the food sector: what to do now?

Many distribution centers have been built in the last ten years in the food sector. However, local support for even more distribution centers is declining. Therefore, companies must move towards a more efficient and more intelligent approach to distribution, together with their supply chain partners. Dutch retailers Hoogvliet, Jumbo, Albert Heijn, Picnic, Hellofresh, and Plus …