Tag «uber»

Ride-sourcing platforms thrive on socio-economic inequality

Limited market share data suggests that ride-sourcing platforms may thrive in environments characterized by socio-economic inequality. This phenomenon is likely due to the availability of cheap labor and a higher proportion of travelers willing to pay above-average prices for time savings and comfort. To investigate this relationship, TU Delft researchers utilized an agent-based simulation model …

Uber: delivery business now bigger than ride hailing business

Uber’s delivery business is now bigger than its ride hailing business. Uber on Wednesday reported widening losses even as trips and deliveries grew as driver incentives hit revenue. Uber said riders returned to its platform in greater numbers in July and it expects the trend to continue in the coming months, together with strong growth …

Uber: more revenue in delivery than in mobility in 2020

In the fourth quarter of 2020 ‘delivery’ is now bigger than ‘mobility’. Mobility (gross bookings fourth quarter 2020): $6.79 billion, down 50% from a year ago. Delivery (gross bookings): $10,1 billion, up 130% from a year ago. For all of 2020, Uber’s net losses amounted to $6,8 billion, around a 20% improvement from a staggering $8,5 billion loss …