The electric trams moves goods around European cities

Across Europe there are examples of existing tram networks being used to attract businesses to use the network for urban freight transport. Could this extension help make a success of trams in other cities in the years ahead? The Guardian reports about a number of European initiatives in Dresden (D) and Saint-Étienne (F). These cities using trams to move products show how to cut congestion while making a profit from the network . 

Andrew Braddock, chairman of the Light Rail Transit Association, believes there is a lot to learn. “Cargo by tram is a good idea,” he says. “It could be that some large businesses in the UK see the advantages, but you would need to have an expanded passenger tram network here first. There are still plenty of cities that could benefit from a tram system,” Braddock adds. “There comes a point you can’t squeeze any more buses on to the road. And trams are more likely to get people out of their car than buses. Generally speaking, business investors like cities with tram systems, because it’s a very visible form of clean, reliable transport.”

Read the full article in the Guardian.



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