Are cargo bike networks for city logistics really more expensive?

It’s the 1 mln dollar question: are cargo bike network for city logistics really more expensive? Antwerps (B) researcher Jochen Maes, says yes. A new simulation study by the same Antwerps University, based on different delivery scenarios for certain areas, presents new perspectives by taking a more holistic approach.


The results highlight of this research that the investigated delivery concepts can benefit either the companies or the quality of life in the city. Operational costs of companies can be reduced by stimulating customer self-pick-up, while externalities decrease with the implementation of a cargo bike distribution system. The research demonstrates that both operational and external costs can be minimised, if involved stakeholders from industry and the public look for sustainable delivery solution jointly.

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Read the full research paper here.

Arnold, F., Cardenas, I., Sörensen, K., & Dewulf, W. (2018). Simulation of B2C e-commerce distribution in Antwerp using cargo bikes and delivery points. European Transport Research Review, 10 (1), 2.

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