Tag «e-groceries»
CBRE: cold is the hottest real estate investment
US retailer Kroger: bringing home the groceries
Peapod Digital Labs taps Deliv to expand US same-day delivery options
Ahold Delhaize sees automated centers helping US growth
US Stop & Shop starts using robots for click and collect of groceries

Ahold Delhaize’s Stop & Shop is updating its brand to make grocery shopping easier. The update is designed to improve the in-store experience with a focus on more fresh and healthy options and improved digital solutions. Part of the update is the introduction of robots for click and collect at special Stop & Shop pick-up …
Startup Picnic runs grocery delivery bus in Dutch online shopping boom

Statistics Netherlands reports that 29 percent of Dutch households ordered groceries at least once online in 2017, the most in the European Union, passing the UK at 28 percent. Dutch multinational Ahold Delhaize was the first to offer online groceries in the Netherlands, but the practice has kicked into high gear recently due to what …
Picnic (NL) transforming urban freight: smart planning of deliveries

More than 1 in 6 Dutch people do their grocery shopping online. In just three years, Picnic has grown from delivering in Amersfoort to over 60 locations in the Netherlands and Germany. And, each day new customers join. Picnic’s Joris van Tatenhove reports about Picnic’s success in e-groceries on Medium.com.
Picnic is exploring the smart grid
Dutch KPMG sustainability award for green choice behaviour on e-grocery

Tatjana Mirosnicenko won the 2018 KPMG-RSM Sustainability Master Thesis Award for her thesis entitled E-grocery: the effectiveness of content sharing on social media in promoting green slot choice behavior. The MSc graduate was presented the award at the RSM Sustainability Forum 2018, hosted by the Dutch Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).