Tag «smart mobility»

What KPIs to use for smart mobility? The case of Barcelona

A recent article identifies and examines key performance indicators (KPIs) for citizen mobility logistics in smart and sustainable urban areas. It begins with a comprehensive literature review to identify essential KPIs, offering valuable insights for public and private stakeholders, including policymakers and mobility service providers. Drawing from various mobility projects in smart cities, the study …

Stuttgart: lessons learned in improving delivery zone management

How can urban freight in densely populated cities be organized smartly and sustainably? The final report of the joint project Smart Zone Stuttgart, commissioned by the state capital Stuttgart, the Fraunhofer IAO, the cooperating IAT of the University of Stuttgart, and ParkUnload shows what digital delivery zone management in the state capital can look like …

Amazon and Stellantis will collaborate in SmartCockpit project

Amazon and Stellantis will collaborate to deliver software solutions for Stellantis’ new digital cabin platform, STLA SmartCockpit, starting in 2024. Stellantis selects AWS as its preferred cloud provider for vehicle platforms to deliver its long-term, software-focused vision. AWS and Stellantis will launch collaborative engineering and innovation initiatives and tools to accelerate time to market for …

TNO and CE Delft look at future of smart mobility: there is still a long way to go

The combined development of different emerging technologies (e.g. smart sensors, blockchain, artificial intelligence) boosts innovations in smart mobility. The increasing pressure on achieving societal goals within the transport sector (e.g. decarbonization, improving traffic safety, reducing congestion) will be another driver for smart mobility. TNO and CE Delft report about it.

Smart loading zones in Barcelona (ES)

In 2015 Barcelona introduced regulated areas for Distribució Urbana de Mercaderies (DUM) areas for loading and unloading. Following the success of the pilot scheme in Passeig de Gràcia, the rest of the city got DUMs for the loading and unloading of goods. The designation of 9,000 parking places as DUM areas aims to update and …

Amsterdam smart mobility action plan

The program Smart Mobility is developed in cooperation with the region of Amsterdam (NL), Amsterdam knowledge institutions, the Amsterdam Economic Board, Amsterdam Smart City, GVB, THNK, private partners in projects en various organizational departments within the municipality. The municipality is actively looking for new collaborations with public and private partners.