Tag «zero emission»

Dutch PostNL: getting greener

In October 2018 PostNL announced long-term goals to deliver emission-free in 25 Dutch city centers by 2025, and deliver emission-free in the last-mile throughout the Benelux by 2030. In their new annual report, PostNL announces more actions towards becoming green in city logistics. Cleaner vehicles Continuous investment in cleaner vehicles has helped reduce emissions from the …

Buyzet: smarter public procurement for zero emission urban freight.

The past few months the cities of Copenhagen, Oslo, and Rotterdam were discussing potential zero-emission delivery options with regional suppliers in their selected priority areas within the Buyzet project. All three cities are exploring how they can encourage craftsmen employed to work in city-owned facilities to switch to zero-emission vehicles or find other ways to …

Zero emissions construction sites: why not?

Construction is a fundamental component of human civilization. It lies at the heart of economic and social development. The construction industry generates roughly 9% of European GDP and accounts for 18 million jobs. In spite of this, construction sites are also a major source of environmental and human health damage throughout all aspects of the …

Mercedes-Benz Vans presents Urbanetic

With Vision URBANETIC Mercedes-Benz Vans presents a revolutionary mobility concept that goes way beyond existing ideas on autonomous vehicles. Gerd Reichenbach, Head of Strategy Mercedes-Benz Vans, presents the highlights of the Vision URBANETIC.