Urban logistics planning: lessons learned for the UK and Scandinavia

A new paper looks on common practices in current urban logistics planning in Scandinavia and the UK, and the degree to which SUTP (Sustainable Urban Transport Plan), SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) and SULP (Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans). It is found that urban freight plans are used more frequently in the UK than in the Scandinavian countries.

A systematic literature review identifies relevant studies based on predefined inclusion criteria: mobility, freight, urban, plan. SULPs (freight strategies, action plans or parts of a mobility plan) follow a structure that identifies the current situation and defines the strategic context, vision, targets and objectives using selected policy measures, measures that are dependent on geographical scope.

Sustainable urban freight plan

A sustainable urban freight plan is a strategic plan with a detailed action plan or part of an urban mobility/city strategy. It is designed with a sustainability perspective on urban deliveries to define regional or local visions specified by selected policy measures and to satisfy the freight needs of people and business in the area. The urban freight plans identified have not yet fully embraced the concept of a Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan.

SUTP, SUMP and SULP methodologies are used in existing Scandinavian and UK urban freight plans, especially when a collaborative planning approach is being practiced. The emphasis on urban freight is challenged by the regional perspective. Integrating urban freight in general planning procedures or transport planning is important.

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Government guidance

Government guidance and sustainable strategies can provide a planning methodology and, therefore, based on national guidelines further European structural standardisation could be beneficial. Identification of freight plans is crucial if the contributions they make are to be determined.

Steps towards increasing the development of these freight plans include incorporating freight-related issues in local transport planning together with walking and biking, and providing or improving national guidance for urban freight planning.

Continued analysis of the success or failure of the urban freight plans and the identified policy measures are needed. By comparing multiple or evaluating one individual plan in more detail it will be possible to consider the impact of an urban freight plan, which so far has rarely been done.

You can find the full paper here.

Plan for sustainable urban logistics – comparing between Scandinavian and UK practices
Fossheim K, Andersen J in: Eur. Transp. Res. Rev. (2017) 9: 52.

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